Tnt - Legends

This project was a proposal for a promo titles of the 2nd season for TNT original television series Legends, an American crime drama starring by Sean Bean. 

I was comissioned by to propose a look & feel that could be extended to the graphic package of the show. The idea behind this concept was to graph some data codes, glitches, patterns ands bugs, working on an own computer language that evokes certain private information services. Representing by this way, the socio-political conflict present in the show and the struggle existing behind the true identity of the protagonist, an undercover agent of the FBI's Division of Covert Operations, who changes himself into a different person for each case. Although the proposal did not win, I really liked the result of the visual explorations.

Tnt - Legends

Tnt - Legends

This project was a proposal for a promo titles of the 2nd season for TNT original television series Legends, an American crime drama starring by Read More
